How in the world did I come up with the name for this blog???

We Southerners have all different kinds of sayings such as fixin too, it won't amount to a hill of beans, over yonder, she is mad as a wet hen, I do declare, lord have mercy, I reckon, worn slap out, hold your horses, bless your heart, getting too big for your britches etc.  If you are not from the south you may not have a clue what we are talking about or referring to when making certain comments or you might just make fun of us for what we grew up saying, which I reckon is fine with me.  My husband, Scott is from Pittsburgh, PA.  We meet 8 years ago in North Carolina, one day I will tell you how we met which is another entry for the blog.  I have always lived in North Carolina.  He has not, duh...right, because he is from Pittsburgh.   If you know anything about us Southerners we are polite to the point of ridiculousness.  We will even say we are sorry for saying we are sorry.  Which brings me to "bless your heart".  A lot of people that are not from the south think that we are just being nice when using this term.  Although bless your heart might sound polite the deeper meaning is not exactly that.  There are times it is said in a nice genteel way and we mean to be sincere and maybe express empathy towards you or, more likely,  we think that maybe you are just slightly off.  The term bless your heart has become a joke between my husband and myself. I say it to him all the time but I have to confess that it's not as fun anymore now that he understands what that phrase's true meaning is.   We still have fun with it though.

As we were trying to come up with a name for this blog that would include both myself and Scott, we finally agreed after much debate to "Bless My Heart I Married A Yankee".  Kind of an insult to me and to him at the same time, this poor girl married her self a Yankee.  Thus, being an insult to some,  but for us a total joke!

It really is amazing how the various region has different sayings and customs, which Scott pointed out to me as I was writing this entry.  He had to help me soften what I did not see was coming across as an insult as I was attempting to explain the term bless your heart. With that said, we are still human and the basis of who we are makes us more alike than realized.  While Scott and I are from different areas of the Eastern part of the United States, we love so many of the same things, which honestly surprised me. We have so much in common that sometimes it is scary.  While he may be a *damn Yankee and me, a Southern girl we still have much that links us together and unites us.  This is what we hope to establish on our blog.  We hope that everyone that reads our blog will enjoy and see it does not matter where you are from.  We hope that you will enjoy and share our passions which are the reasons I wanted to blog.  As you follow our blog and read the entries you will see I have a passion for canning, that Scott and I love to cook and we like to know where our foods come from, which is a reason we garden organically, raise various animals and hunt.  In our little plot of land, we try to have a small-scale homestead.

For those who read the title of our blog know it is not a put-down, insult or that we think anyone is not smart.  We hope you will see and respect the humor in the title of our blog which makes Scott and me who we are and why we blog.  You will also see there are times he will make entries or interject his viewpoint.

*Damn Yankee is a term Southerners used for a person that has moved from the North Eastern part of the US

Lord have mercy I hope you will enjoy my blogging.  Please follow me and subscribe.


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