I try to take care of my feet but they still get rather nasty looking.  As I was pondering at my feet earlier today I thought, oh goodness gracious how disgusting.  I have no clue how they got so ugly looking.  I realize I am on my feet a lot and that takes a huge toll on them.  

Since it is flip-flop and sandal season I really do not want them looking all scaly and dry.  A few weeks back I did start trying a bit harder to make them look nicer.  I would use my pumice stone after each shower and lather them down with coconut oil.  While this helped a bit it just really was not doing the trick.  The last time I had a pedicure my feet just peeled dead skin off.  I know this is rather gross but I want you to know just what I decided to start doing and it is WORKING.

There are so many ways to take care of your feet at home and not spend a fortune doing it.  You really have to find what works for you.  

Today I used 1/2 cup Listerine, 1/2 cup homemade apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of warm water.  I know this sounds weird but it worked wonders for me and my feet.  I have been using Listerine for a long time but I have never added vinegar to my water.  I soaked my feet for 15 minutes.  After I used my pumice stone and gave them a good scrub.  You would not believe how awesome it worked.  I kept whichever foot I was not scrubbing in the soaking mixture.  Seriously the dead skin came right off.    

I also took it another step and made a foot scrub with coconut oil and Epsom salt and applied to each foot and gave them another scrub.  I needed the top of my feet exfoliated and you can not do that with a pumice stone.  

I have to admit my feet feel absolutely amazing, just like baby skin.  They are incredibly soft.  

All the ingredients that I used have a different way of working.  

Vinegar not only softens the skin it also fights fungus, eliminates warts, soothes the skin, helps with any itchiness you may have and takes care of nasty bad odors. 

Listerine also helps to soften the skin, it is great for athletics foot and other fungi.  It also helps to prevent infections.  

Both of those combined with water made a perfect soak to loosen dead skin and help when I used my pumice stone.  That is the exact reason why they make great ingredients in a foot soaking mixture.  

Epsom salt is full of minerals that soak quickly into your skin.  The grit of Epsom salt also is a natural exfoliator.

Coconut Oil not only is a great moisturizer that helps to soften your skin it also has anti-bacterial properties.  Therefore it deodorizes and softens your feet. 

Baking Soda helps to sooth the skin by balancing the pH so it is a natural way of healing.  Just add a few teaspoons into your water or for dry hard skin make a paste and scrub your feet.  

Lemon Juice can also be used to soften.  The acidity helps to loosen dead skin.  You can use it at full strength or you can mix it with water.  You can also add olive oil and milk to make a softening soak for your feet.  

Milk softens, nourish and the lactic acid helps to exfoliate.

You can mix several of these together and make a soak or a scrub.  You can mix and match until you find the perfect solution that works for your feet. 



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