Just wanted to say my summer has been a bit wild.  If you noticed, I have been absent off and on for a few weeks.  Unfortunately, vacations are still to come and I will continue to be gone off and on at times.

My cousin Gary and his mom Sandy

I have been sick since the last day of June.  Had to visit the doctor twice.  Which is something I don't do often.  I rarely go to the doctor.  So, that means I was pretty darn sick.  I went the first time the Monday before I left for Texas.  She gave put me on an antibiotic and some steroids.  Which was NOT fun at all.  I could not sleep but I was totally exhausted.  Then I went on vacation to Texas for a week.  Had a blast and was able to spend time with my cousin Gary and his wonderful wife Karen.  Best of all I was able to see my Aunt Louise and be there for her 90th birthday celebration.  The Lord looked after me and the medicines worked to keep me or make me feel some better.  However, I was still sick and once arriving home was worse then I was before I left.  Back to the doctor, I went to be put on another round of antibiotics for another 10 days.  I have to admit this time after being on them for 6 days I finally was feeling myself again.  

Nanny aka Aunt Louise

Two of the loveliest ladies, Karen and Betty.

Karen and Gary got me loving this wonderful Peach Ice Cream by Blue Belle.  I am not even an ice cream fan but this stuff is to die for good.

I hate being sick and it was so hard to do anything or have the energy to do stuff.  I am on the mend and am back to being me again.  

The best Grandson EVER, Jace.

Needless to say, summer has been crazy as crap for me and it is not even over.  Scott and I have our main vacations to come.  A trip to Key Largo and another to Oak Island.  I am super lucky that my sweet daughter, MacKenzie will be here to take care of my house, cats, Charley, the rabbits, and the quail.  I feel like I owe her but I just kept Ladybug for her to go to Southport for the week with my sweet grandson, Jace.  Which was difficult because I was sick in the beginning and I am allergic to her.  Hard to get better when you are keeping your grandpuppy and you are allergic to her.  

Charley and Ladybug

I am pretty much-playing catch up right now on all the recipes I have to post.  Try to be patient with me.  I will eventually have everything up and have plenty of new posts.  I think I was able to get 4 or 5 done this morning. 

Again I will be in and out a bit still so hang in there and keep on visiting my blog.  

I received the best compliment from one of our friends on Friday.  Tony told me how much he liked my blog and how I had a calling.  It took me quite by surprise because I had no clue a man was reading my blog.  Love you, Tony!!!  You really made my day last Friday.  I know that may sound silly but I started this blog about 9 months ago.  I had been wanting to but just never understood just how to go about it.  I still have no clue but I am trying.  I guess I am just human and I like to hear when someone enjoys what I am doing or a particular post.  I might even be fishing for some compliments now.  LOL

I have a good friend base who reads my blog and some even share it on their Facebook accounts.  Thanks to each and every one of you for reading and sharing.  By sharing my posts or my blog page each of you are helping me get noticed and get out there in this crazy cyber world.  I think some have even pinned my posts on their Pinterest accounts.  I give each of you a heartfelt THANKS.  

If you have not subscribed please do so.  You can do that at the top of my blog page.  Also, I need more followers so friends and family go to the menu button at the top left-hand corner of my page and it will take you to a place where you can follow me.  Try to follow me on Blogger and not Google Plus.  For some unknown reason, I can not get information from Google Plus.  

Also, comments are truly welcomed and enjoyed.  Please feel free to comment on a recipe, give me ideas, or thoughts, a similar recipe or post a picture and tell me if you enjoyed the recipe.  

I want my blog to grow and I can not do it without each of you.   

Happy Summer Peeps!!! 


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