I have not posted much lately and for that, I apologize to all of you.  My computer has been messed up and it is really hard to do this on my kindle.  However, this recipe is so good I had to suffer and type this up.

Have you ever made something that is so good that you can not wait to share it with someone? Well, this is one of those recipes.  This is one of those recipes that will knock your socks off, well if you are wearing socks.  Here it is cold so I am wearing socks but I have no clue where you live.  You might be in a tropical climate and have a bathing suit on.  If you are, I am just saying I am jealous.  We might have snow here this weekend.  With that said, in my neck of the woods, if they even mention snow, you will not find bread or milk anywhere.  Oh well, I digress.  Doesn't everyone love bacon?  It is not just a man thing!  Bacon is sinfully good. 

This time of the year I love warm food.  After all, baby, it is cold outside.  I also have more time than normal because I am not in my garden and do as much canning as normal.  Which comes to this recipe.  I heard of it.  I know people who make it.  BUT I have never made it.  As usual, I look at recipes and make it my own.  This recipe is no different.  I just love playing with ingredients and see it make something that is wonderful.  I can not stress enough that when you look at a recipe do not be afraid to go by the outline but MAKE it your own.  Taste and add.  Taste and add.  This is the only way you will be able to make something per your taste.  So, even with anything I post please feel free to make it your own.

One of my most favorite jams happens to be tomato jam.  It is so savory and really makes breakfast kicked up a notch.   Well, I do believe this Maple Bacon Jam is even better.  

It is easy to make but a bit time-consuming.  

Start by cutting your bacon in one-inch pieces.  Heat your skillet as you are cutting the bacon.  Place bacon in the warmed skillet and brown.

Once your bacon is lightly browned, remove it from the pan and drain.  Remove all but a tablespoon of having at from the pan.  Note, keep the leftover bacon fat young later usage. 

Add your onions and saute for 5 minutes.

Add garlic and saute a few more minutes. 

Add maple syrup, dark brown sugar, and water.  Bring to a boil. 

Chop bacon into smaller pieces.

Put bacon in a 6-quart crockpot.  Then add the liquid to the bacon and cook for 4 hours or until the liquid has reduced to where there is only a bit of syrup.

 Transfer to a pint jar and keep in the fridge.

This would be awesome on some scallops flash fried in butter topped with Maple Bacon Jam.  Or on a breakfast sandwich.  Imagine, an English muffin toasted with cheese, an egg, tomato jam topped with this awesome jam.  You could swirl some on Brussels sprouts.  I think you are getting the picture.

  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 pound of bacon
  • 1 small onion
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 3/4 cup coffee
  • Cut bacon into one-inch pieces.
  • Brown bacon until it's light brown.
  • Take bacon out of the pan and drain well.  
  • Keep a tablespoon of bacon fat and remove the rest to use later.
  • While bacon is cooking, small diced onion and minced garlic cloves.
  • Add onion to the pan and cook for 5 minutes.  Add minced garlic and cook an additional 2 minutes.
  • Add maple syrup, brown sugar, Apple cider vinegar and coffee to the pan.  Bring to a boil.  
  • Put bacon into a crockpot and add liquid mixture.  Place on low without the lid.  Allow cook 3 to 4 hours until liquid has condensed to syrup.  
  • Remove jam and keep in a jar in the fridge.
I hope you enjoy this recipe.  Please feel free to comment.



  1. does this only make 1 jar? I would need many more than that!!! Is that do-able?

  2. Yes, it only makes one pint jar. You can double or triple the recipe.

  3. I am wanting so bad to make this but I am confused. How much Maple Syrup? Or should the ingredient lists say Maple Syrup rather than Apple Cider Vinegar?

  4. Oh thank you for bringing this to my attention. You are correct, typo there. It is not ACV it is Maple Syrup. I have corrected the recipe.


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