Have you ever been making dinner and thought you had everything, to find out you did not?  If you have, I am sure you have gotten as aggravated as I have over this situation.  That is why I always check to make sure I have all the ingredients but sometimes you just look wrong and thought you had an ingredient and do not or you just do not want to go to the store.  That is why it is nice that at times you can substitute one product for another or you can figure out how to make what you need out of what you have on hand. 

This is a funny story, well it is to me.  I can totally admit my mistakes.  I have no problem in being wrong because after all, no one is perfect on this earth.  I even find my mistakes silly at times.  As this story is to me.  I knew we had Italian sausage, I KNEW we did so I did not check to see if we did in one of the freezers downstairs.  I start to make a recipe that calls for Italian sausage and when it came time to get the sausage out of the freezer it just was not there.  Dang, I seriously thought it was there.  I was not feeling good so I did not want to go out shopping.  I decided to look at some recipes for Italian sausage and make my own using some breakfast sausage we had made.  Now if you make this you can use any breakfast sausage.  I was so upset with not having Italian sausage I told Scott we were out and we needed to make more.  SO we did.  This was several months ago and we made like 20 pounds of Italian sausage.  About two weeks ago, Scott went downstairs to the freezer looking for something and he found 3 packs of Italian sausage we made last winter.  See, I knew we had some but I sure could not find it.  

I figured out how to make Italian sausage one day when I was going to make Italian Tortellini Soup.  As you read above I could not find it in the freezer so I grabbed a pack of breakfast sausage and added some spices.

I gathered all the spices I was going to use and combine then in a small bowl.

Mixed them all up.

Added the spices to the breakfast sausage and combined them well.

Wow, it is that easy.  

You really do not need a lot of spices.  I always have all of these on hand but I have a pretty extensive spice cabinet. Since breakfast sausage has its own flavor you have to cover up some of those so have fun with your spices.  
Here are the ones I used.
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • pinch of crushed red pepper flakes (optional)
  • 1 pound of breakfast sausage
You really want to mix these spices really well into your breakfast sausage.  Do not feel bad to get your hands into the meat here.  Make sure they are clean.  For some reason, this has always weirded me out a bit so I used my Kitchenaid stand up mixer with the paddle attachment.  

While of course, I would have preferred to find the Italian sausage it was nice to be able to throw a few spices in a bowl and come out with something pretty darn close to our homemade version.



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