This is one of my favorite dishes that Scott makes.  I do not know if calling it a dish is correct though.  If you like Salmon you will love this recipe.  It is a cured salmon.  Meaning you do not cook it.  It is cured by using salt, spices, and herbs.  Another word for this is a cured salmon by a brine.  In our recipe, we do not use a liquid.  It is a dry mix.

It's really is so darn easy.  It is crazy at how easy it is to make.  Plus it is a sinfully delicious that melts in your mouth.  Scott and I have made this with an entire side of salmon and we have made it with nice sized fillets.  Either way is of making it is awesome.

Scott starts this by gathering and mixing all the ingredients together.  

Hint he toasts the fennel and dill seed.

Put a bit of the dry mixture on the bottom of the dish.

Place your salmon on top of the dry mixture.

Toss the rest of your dry mixture on top of the salmon.

Top with fresh chopped dill.

Place a smaller dish on top of the salmon and then weights it down with something.  We used some of my canned goods.    

This can be done in as little as 24 hours.  Or you can go a few days longer.  It really just depends on how firm you prefer your fish.  You will know it is "done" when the fish is no longer soft to the touch.

The salmon will create quite a bit of natural juice as it cures.

Once it is done make sure you rinse it well and then pat dry really well.  

It keeps in the fridge up to 2 weeks, maybe longer, it just does not sit in our fridge that long.  I have to admit the longer it sits the more buttery it becomes.  Just make sure you keep this wrapped well in some plastic wrap.  

Most people that have tried this loves it.  Ask my friend Lyndsey, she said she dreams about it.  Most people call this lox.  Lox is a brined cured salmon.  Normally served with cream cheese and capers on a bagel.  It is buttery goodness.  

Do not limit yourself by eating it only on a bagel with cream cheese.  Heck, I eat it by its self.  However, it would be delicious made into a sushi roll.  Imagine some on a salad.  Oh my!!
I hope to post a few more pictures and I will have the recipe up soon.  

This is really a luxury time food.  Now you know how easy it is to make.


  • 4 ounces sugar (about 1/2 cup)
  • 6 ounces brown sugar (about 3/4 cup)
  • 6 ounces kosher salt (about 3/4 cup)
  • Salmon fillets or side of salmon about 2 to 3 pounds
  • 1/2 cup fennel seed, toasted
  • 1 tablespoons peppercorns
  • 1 tablespoon dill seed
  • Fresh Dill
  • Toast fennel seeds, dill seed and cracked black peppercorns in a small skillet.
  • Mix sugar, brown sugar, salt, fennel seeds, peppercorns, and dill seeds together in a bowl. 
  • Sprinkle 1/2 of the mixture on bottom of the container, put fish into the container, and sprinkle rest of mixture on top of fish.  Salmon produces quite a bit of liquid make sure you have a dish that will hold everything.  
  • Cover with plastic wrap and place another smaller dish on top of salmon.  Weight salmon down, we use can goods.
  • Allow curing for at least 3 days, until the flesh of the fish is firm.
  • Discard the seasoning mixture, wash off salmon and pat dry.  
  • Wrap salmon well with plastic wrap.  Store in fridge.
Remember this is a cured recipe, it will not go bad too quickly.  If you do not eat if first, it should last 2 weeks or more.

As you can see I have posted pictures of fillets and a side of salmon.  Again you can use either.  This recipe is for 2 to 3 pounds of fish.  If you use more or less you will need to adjust the recipe accordingly.  



  1. Your cured salmon is called Gravlax, there are many variations and they are all very good.

    1. You are correct. It is known as Gravlax or even lox. I have another variation published if you wish to look at it.


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