I will update this with the entire procedure in the next few days.  In the meantime enjoy some bread porn.  Imagine baking a loaf in your oven.  Smelling the aroma of fresh bread in your home.  Doesn't that sound delicious and yummy?

We have really been into making bread for several months now.  I mean it started this past fall.  Wade gave me another bit of his sourdough starter and we kind of went from there. A nice hot loaf of bread out of the oven on a cool or cold night, nothing beats that. Well, in all fairness I have to say this recipe was perfected by Wade.  We only use his measurements and a slap-and-fold method.  Which was a YouTube video Wade shared with us.  We also retard it in the fridge, well this winter we just left it outside when it was cool enough.  


375 grams of distilled water
100 grams of active sourdough starter
500 grams of bread flour
10 grams of fine sea salt

This is a recipe we make together, well we started making this a joint procedure when Scott saw me slapping the dough on the table and then folding it.  I mix the bread and Scott does the slap-and-folds now.  The first time we made this recipe I was doing the slap and folds and I told Scott this is a great recipe to make when you are ticked off. This is why we make it together now.  Scott thought he was missing out on the fun.   I mix the bread and Scott does the slap-and-fold stuff.  The first time we made this recipe I was doing the slap and folds and I told Scott this is a great recipe to make when you are ticked off.  I mean you literally take the dough and slap it hard on the table, then fold it.  Then do it again.  You actually do it several times then let it rest for 30 minutes.  Then do it again.  Normally after the 3rd or 4th time of doing the slap and folds the dough is ready to finish proofing aka rising.    

Some people think sourdough is an art.  It really is not.  There is no reason to be afraid.  Even if you fail you probably still have a good-tasting loaf of bread.  I think people get so caught up on things always having to look pleasing.  Believe me, it does not have to look good to taste delicious.  

There are so many things you can do with sourdough bread.  It is delicious just to eat straight from the oven.  I love having a nice loaf with good soup in the colder months.  Or you can make Panzanella when it starts to get older.  Here is my panzanella recipe.  I should warn you this is an Italian bread salad.  It is to die for in the summertime.  


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