
Baby It's Cold Outside, So Let's Make Soup ~ Turkey Veggie Soup

I look out my window in our living room and see it just looks cold.  Have I said I do not like the cold weather? The sun did finally come out but it is still cold.  Brr. Well, it is cold for me.  I went out to feed the rabbits, quail, and turkeys my hands were frozen by the time I came back inside. I was so glad to get back into the warm house. I know when Scott reads this he will laugh at me because he loves the cold weather.  Plus I know he probably does not think it is cold. Today just feels colder than normal to me.  It's not windy so I have no clue why it feels so cold to me. Wonder if there is a scientific reason for why some days feel colder then others when it is the same temperature?  I am so not a winter person. I do not care for cold weather.  I do like snow but here in North Carolina it rarely stays around long. Earlier today I was chatting with a friend who lives in New Jersey and both of us agreed once Christmas is over we anxiously wait for summer.  You know t

How in the world did I come up with the name for this blog???

We Southerners have all different kinds of sayings such as fixin too, it won't amount to a hill of beans, over yonder, she is mad as a wet hen, I do declare, lord have mercy, I reckon, worn slap out, hold your horses, bless your heart, getting too big for your britches etc.  If you are not from the south you may not have a clue what we are talking about or referring to when making certain comments or you might just make fun of us for what we grew up saying, which I reckon is fine with me.  My husband, Scott is from Pittsburgh, PA.  We meet 8 years ago in North Carolina, one day I will tell you how we met which is another entry for the blog.  I have always lived in North Carolina.  He has not, duh...right, because he is from Pittsburgh.   If you know anything about us Southerners we are polite to the point of ridiculousness.  We will even say we are sorry for saying we are sorry.  Which brings me to "bless your heart".  A lot of people that are not from the south think th


Scott and I have been gardening together from the beginning of our romance, growing the normal things in a small Southern garden, such as bell peppers, jalapenos, heirloom tomatoes, okra, yellow squash, zucchini, and cucumbers.  Since the garden is small we have never really had the room for much more.  I so miss not having green beans in my garden.   This is the story of how I made my husband love hot peppers, simply and totally by accident and totally due to my desire for a ghost pepper plant. Four years ago, in the heat of early summer, Scott and I were at the local Farmer's Market browsing around.  For some unknown reason, I decided I wanted a Ghost Pepper Plant.  As we were looking at various plants I spotted a ghost pepper plant and took it to let Scott see.  He was not really impressed.  Or at least I did not think so at the time.  The price tag was a whopping $5.  I am extremely cheap.  Well, Scott tells me not to use the word cheap, he says I am a frugal person.  With t