Butternut squash is such a nice squash to have with your dinner. The flavor is similar to a sweet potato but not really.  You can do so many things with one.  That is part of the reason we normally grow them.  Plus it is awesome that you can keep them in a cool dark place and they will last almost all winter.  

One of my favorite ways to eat one is cooked.  I like it plainly cooked.  Add a bit of butter and you have a really delicious side dish.  Well, I have been known to eat half of one for lunch before.  If you want to sweeten it up you can add some brown sugar.  It really is similar to a sweet potato in goodness but entirely a vegetable that holds its own.

Let us be serious here.  There are times that our lives just are too busy to do good ole cooking.  You know, down-home cooking. The kind that takes a bit of time.  That is why it is nice to have a microwave.  My life is extremely busy and there are days I am doing good to put food on the table.  Did you think I cook all the time?  Well, while I love cooking I just do not always have the time or energy to do the type of cooking I enjoy making or eating.  That is why I love the fact this vegetable is one that is as good cooked in the microwave as in your oven.  Do not get me wrong I do not cook in my microwave unless it is something like this or popcorn.  I rarely use my microwave for cooking.  It just does not give food the same flavor to food as an oven does.  However, they are handy.

As you guys know I love super easy ways to make stuff and by using the microwave you save time and it is still really darn good.  If you know anything about cooking in your microwave you will know that putting something like that in there might not be too smart, unless, you know how to do it without creating a mess. There are really few steps in microwaving a butternut squash.  
  • First, you poke a few holes in the squash, put it in a microwave-safe dish.  Look really close below and you will see the holes in my squash.
  • Next step is putting it in the microwave.  I know duh, right?  BUT if I do not put it on here people might ask me when do you put it in the microwave because you have not cut the butternut squash yet.  Well, the squash is hard so it is nice to poke holes in it first and cook it for about 5 minutes.
  • After 5 minutes your squash should have softened up enough that you can cut it easily.  So, this means take it out of the microwave and cut it in half.
  • Once you have cut the squash cut in half, put it back in the microwave for an additional 5 minutes.  Remember every microwave cooks differently so you might need less or a few more minutes.
  • After your squash is soft to the touch you are done cooking.  Do not cook the squash until it is mushy.  Once you have your squash out of the microwave, you are ready to take out the seeds and cut the flesh of the squash out.  Remember to save the seeds.  

I like my butternut squash to be a bit chunky but others like it more like mashed potatoes.  Either way, you are not wrong.  Add some butter.  If you want some brown sugar, add some.  Agave or maple syrup is a nice touch too.  It really depends if you are going for more savory or sweet.  

I can not stress enough, KEEP YOUR SEEDS.  I love to save my seeds.  Yeah, that means you have to get them out of the guts of the squash.  It is a bit messy but I promise you that you will not be disappointed.  Once you let them dry a day or two, you are ready to toss them in a bit of olive oil, throw a bit of salt or seasoning on them and cook them.  They are simply delicious.  If you like home cooked pumpkin seeds you will LOVE these butternut squash seeds.

Do not forget to keep some seeds to plant next spring in your garden.  Those seeds you just dry and put up.  



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