June into July

 I can hardly believe it is almost July come Thursday.  One of my best friends will be headed to Hawaii on July 1.  So jealous since it has always been on my bucket list. Michelle, I hope you have a blast. Please be careful swimming with the sharks.

My husband and I were talking the other day and he said I should explain my absence from my blog.  Scott and I took a 6-month break from each other.  During that time I just could not find it in myself to post anything.  When your heart is broken it is hard to move forward.  So that is that.  We are back together and stronger for the break.  

Anyway here in our part of North Carolina strawberry season has come and gone and the blueberries are coming in with gusto.  My first picking was on Monday with Michelle and I can not believe I forgot to take a picture of my first picking.  This is the first time in 11 years I have done so.  Anyway, this is my second picking which was on Friday.  The bucket came from my dad's house.  God rest his soul.  Love you daddy and miss you so.

Peach season is starting and I have already made peach butter and helped the above-mentioned friend can 20 pints of peaches and 13 half-pints of Blueberry Lemon Jam.  My recipe which she loved.  

Another reason I have not had the time to be on my blog much is the fact we are moving.  Scott accepted a new job back in March and started working at this job in April.  I have been going back and forth during the week and of course, he is home on the weekends.  

I hope to be able to post some recipes this week.  I have uploaded my pictures and all I need to do now is find the time to post.  In my May post, I said I would soon.  Again life happens.  I have my elderberry and both of my pepper jelly recipes set to go.  Pictures have been uploaded.  

This week I hope to get some peach jelly made.  I kept the extra juice from my peach butter.  If I had the time I would have used all the skins and pits to make more juice.  Again splitting my time between here and with my husband in another city takes a toll on our normal life.  It is rather bittersweet since we do not have a garden this year.  No tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, or squash.  I did start tomatoes and peppers from our saved seeds.  I gave away the tomato plants.  It is amazing how people just did not want seedlings.  We still have Scotch Bonnet, Reaper, and Ahi Limon plants.  

I updated a recipe for a summertime drink.  Please visit this link.

Happy last Sunday in June 2021!!


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