In the area of NC we live it, fall means a lot of things.  It could mean deer or squirrel season, as in hunting.  It could mean time for chicken stews or Brunswick stews. It definitely means jeans and sweaters.  It is the perfect time for coffee on the front porch on a cool fall morning.  Bonfire parties.  Jumping in the hot tub because it is finally cool enough to truly enjoy. Where I live now, it means the BBQ festival will be in a couple of weeks.  Good ole Lexington bbq. Check out my recipe for Lexington Style Red Slaw or Lexington Style BBQ Dip.  Truly to me fall means apples.  I grew up in a small town... (hehe) near the mountains.  Every year we had an Apple Festival.  Oh, the times I had in youth group when we would have a booth and sold apples.  So, yeah, fall means apples.  With all that said, my beautiful friend, Pam sent me a recipe for Caramel Apple Sangria.  Now, you are talking my language.  I mean seriously, I was just telling some friends how I missed the Dixie Classic Fair.  I only wanted a caramel apple.  Thank you, MacKenzie Cora Boles, for getting me one.  SO, you add caramel, apples with wine and vodka, Oh My!!  

Sangria is normally wine with some type of juice, liquor, and fruit.  This recipe adds fall into the mix.  Wine, apple juice, vodka, caramel sauce, cider spices, and apples.  Now doesn't that sound good?  

I looked at the recipe Pam sent me, along with a dozen others, then I improvised and came up with my own recipe.  Call me cheap or frugal, I do not care because I am frugal and this recipe so shows it.  I mean have you looked for Caramel Vodka?  Well, I only found one and it was quite expensive.  Same with apple cider, the stuff is outrageous in price.  Why pay for all that when you can adjust a recipe and save you some money in the process.  Also, I did not want a super sweet sangria.  

First off, instead of buying caramel vodka at 12.95 for a small bottle that I probably would not use in a year, I already had some Three Olives Vodka.  Wow, all you have to do is buy a cheap bottle of caramel syrup.  Which by the way, I spent a total of 1.23 at Walmart for it.  Another added bonus in using caramel syrup in your vodka is you can adjust the sweet level.  I find this a win-win all over the place.

Second, why buy apple cider?  Seriously, have you priced the stuff?  Upwards of $5 a gallon.  Oh, I know it is fresh and has a different taste but I am frugal and I just do not see paying that much for some juice when all I need is a couple of cups.  I already had cider spices, which was a gift from my cousin Gary and his wonderful lovely wife, Karen.  I can snag apple juice for less than a dollar, plus my grandson loves apple juice so it will no go to waste.  

While I know this recipe would be totally delicious if you went to the extra expense, I just could not see spending that kind of money on a small pitcher of sangria.  I figured if I went that route, it would have cost me about $35 when you add the wine and apples.  Nope, that is not me.  I just can not do it.  I was able to make this for a lot less.  Of course, I had apples, cider spices, and vodka but even doing the cost comparison I save a good $20.  

I started this recipe off with a pitcher in which I added vodka and caramel syrup.  

I added apple juice and cider spices.  

Next came the wine.

Cut a couple of apples.  I decide to use a red and a green apple for color.  

It makes a pretty sangria.

Remember when making sangria, you do not have to spend a ton of money on the wine.  After all, you are mixing it with other stuff.  A reasonably priced one is good.  

I just poured a glass and it is rather nice.  I love the fact I can adjust the sweet, caramel taste, and cider mulling spice flavor.  

I am sure the peeps at the Halloween party will love it.  



  • 1 bottle of Pinot Grigio
  • 3/4 cup of vodka
  • 2 cups apple juice
  • 1/4 cup of caramel syrup
  • 2 tablespoons of cider/mulling spices
  • 2 apples, one green one red
  • A pretty pitcher
Directions:  Add vodka and caramel sauce into a pitcher.  Mix well.  Add cider/mulling spices along with apple juice.  Again mixing well.  Next, add wine.  Mix everything together.  Cut apples and add them into the pitcher.  Put pitcher into the fridge and allow to cool at least 12 hours.  

A note on cider spices.  It is awesome for tea, wine, or apple juice.  

Remember this recipe is totally subjective to your taste buds.  You can add more caramel syrup for a sweeter and stronger caramel flavor.  Same goes with the cider spices.  You can also add more wine, apple juice or vodka.  Again subjective to your taste.  If ya wanna get all fancy, you can dip the rim of your glass in a small amount of apple juice and then into cinnamon sugar.  

To my awesome friend, Pam, thanks for encouraging me to make a fall sangria.  You ROCK as always.  



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