Let me forewarn you about these little morsels of goodness.  They are serious and totally addictive.  I am way passed hooked on them.  What's better is the simple fact that they are low calorie and low fat.  So, if you are dieting or just do not eat a lot of fried or fatty goods these are totally for you.  It is great that it is zucchini season so you can have fresh from the garden zucchini.  Now, I have made these before but they were always done in my dehydrator.  They are so much better in the oven.  Better sure when I make them next, it will be in my air fryer.  

I have to be honest with you.  I am so addicted to these that I have already made 3 batches and did not share with anyone.  They are so yummy.  I have had them on salads.  I have had them as a snack and have even taken a bag on the go with me.  I don't know if I can share them they are that good. 

They are simple to make but you are going to have to have some patience because these tasty gems take some time in the oven.  You need to cook the low and slow to get that crisp crunch factor.  

Oh my just talking or typing about them makes me want to get up and make more.  Unfortunately, I do not have the time for it right now.  I just finished making my first ever raspberry jam from my own raspberry briars.  

First, you need to slice your zucchini.  I used my Pampered Chef slicer. Which made it much easier than hand slicing but you can hand slice them. 

I lined w baking pans with parchment paper and sprayed them with coconut oil.  I patted them dry with a paper towel but you do not have to do this step.  I have done it without and they turned out just fine.   FYI, you can re-use the parchment paper several times.  That is a good thing because you will want to make more pretty soon after you put that first one in your mouth.

Another great thing is you can season these chips with anything your heart desires.  I have used sea salt and pepper, I have used smoked paprika and garlic salt, and I have used Himalayan pink salt and garlic powder.  Seriously you can not go wrong.  Instead of savory, you can add some cinnamon sugar for a sweet touch.

Put them in the oven and plan on cooking for a long time.  I have played with my temperature a few times.  So, cook them around 235 to 250 degrees.  They need to cook at least an hour and a half.  Maybe more.  I started with an hour and added 20 minutes and 10 minutes each time after.  Remember each oven is different so the cooking time could vary.

After they feel crispy, take them out and allow them to cool.  


  • 2 medium-sized zucchinis
  • seasoning of your choice
  • spray oil (I used coconut spray oil)
  • Preheat oven 235 to 250 degrees.  Do not go over 250 degrees.
  • Line the baking sheets with parchment and lightly spray with oil.
  • Slice zucchini about 1/8 inch thick.
  • Place zucchini on lined baking sheets.  
  • Optional, dab tops of zucchini with a paper towel to remove some moisture.
  • Lightly spray tops of zucchini with spray oil.
  • Sprinkle tops of zucchini with your choice of seasonings.
  • Put baking sheets into the oven and bake between 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  

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