

I really do not like chemicals but there are times that you just need to use them.  I love using vinegar to clean but that does not always do the trick so that is when bleach comes into play at my house.   I have been meaning to buy some bleach spray but I always forget to put it on my list.  I am such a list person so if it is not on my list I can not remember to get it.  Scott loves to pick on me about my list making.  He did when we were in Key Largo last week.  Well, I think I did well consider I only forgot 2 things and both were not on my list.   Today was trash pick up day and my trash can was rather disgusting looking and smelly.  Pretty sure stuff was growing in it that could have been in a lab.  It was totally nasty.  I really needed some bleach spray and I did not feel like going to the store to get some.  I had my marinara in the canner and did not have the time to go.  I decided why not make some.  It is very easy.  You just need your ratio correct.  You want to m


Sorry, I have not posted much in the last week or so.  We were gone on vacation.  Yes, we had a blast.  Nothing quite like getting away for a week.  Now, it is time to get back to business and to work.   While in the keys we did a bit of fishing which got me wanting fish for dinner.  Plus I am trying to eat stuff from the freezers since we had one go out on us right before we left.  Boy, that was a nightmare.  It still is because all of the contents of that freezer is at a friends house in their freezer.  We need to purchase a new one.  It is upsetting because the freezer that died on us is only a few years old.   This recipe was given to me by someone when I visited Key Largo about 10 years ago.  Since we were just there I felt it is only fitting to post this recipe.  Sandy, the person that gave me the recipe said she was given this recipe by a chef at an upscale seafood restaurant in Miami.  I have to admit it is an excellent dish to prepare.  When she made it for me years a


I found this recipe a few years back.  I fell totally in love with it as did all my friends. I actually found it after we started growing Scotch Bonnet peppers.  You see the pepper plants we grew were very prolific and we had what appeared to us tons of these peppers.  Which means I had to do something with all those hot and spicy peppers.  This recipe is simply awesome.   I started canning the jerk sauce so I would have some in the winter time.  This is the best jerk sauce you will ever eat.  It is a marinade, not a dry rub.  It is amazing on chicken, pork, fish or beef.  My favorite though is chicken.   As I said my friends love this recipe.  They beg and barter for jars of this delightful hot and spicy sauce.  The flavors that you taste is amazing.  Scotch bonnet peppers are just perfect with the spices that are added to this sauce.  Of course, these peppers are a Caribbean pepper and Jamaica is in the Caribbean.  The good thing about this recipe is you can make it as hot


Who likes to be bitten by a skeeter?  If you know someone that does please let me know by commenting.  I can not think of anyone who likes to have their blood sucked by those vicious mean little vampire bugs.  For some unknown reason, they adore me.  I can go outside and they can find me within seconds.  I guess my blood is that delicious for them to feast upon.  Scott and I have always had this thing between us on who they like better.  Believe me, this is one I would love to lose but I think I always win.   As our vacation approaches, I was going to order my favorite over the counter cream to help with the itching but dang it, they were out and I can not find it in any stores.  Which leaves me to find alternative methods.  I love natural ways of doing things.  I do not really care for a lot of chemicals forced down my throat with purchasing various beauty and food products.  With the cream nowhere to be found it really forced me to get serious about how in the world Scott and I


This recipe was given to me by a friend.  I am sure it is good by the recipe but you guys know me, right?  I had to go and change it up to make it even better.  Well, in my humble opinion better.   By no means at all is this a diet friendly recipe.  It is loaded with fat.  Tons of it but you can always attempt to make it healthy but why when it is perfect just like I make it?  See the end on how to substitute some ingredients to make it lower in fat.    Scott literally has set and gorged himself until he was sick on this dish.  I made it last year for his birthday.  I had made it a few times before but since I knew he liked it and I wanted him to have something really good for his birthday, I made it for him.   Unfortunately, I forgot to take a few pictures as I was making it.  One of the most important steps for some reason either did not get a picture made or I accidentally deleted it.   The first step is to cut your chicken into bite-size pieces and shake a good amount


If you have been reading my posts lately you know I have had an abundance of zucchini.  I have made all types of  recipes  using zucchini.  I have mentioned shredded zucchini often and also mentioned freezing it.  It really is so simple and a great way to have it at a later date.   While it is so nice to have my plants producing as much as they are I have had to figure out ways to use things.  I also wanted to preserve some zucchini so I can use them later when I no longer have any fresh ones.   You can freeze zucchini either in chunks or by shredding it.  I chose to shred mine due to the recipes I figured I would want to use later in the fall or even winter.   Wash your zucchini really well.  You want to get all the dirt off.  If you are going to freeze larger zucchini make sure you scoop out the seeds.  Especially if you are shredding it.  Shredded zucchini is mainly for quick bread such as  Lemon Blueberry Zucchini  or  Cinnamon Zucchini Bread .  Chunks or cubes


Just wanted to say my summer has been a bit wild.  If you noticed, I have been absent off and on for a few weeks.  Unfortunately, vacations are still to come and I will continue to be gone off and on at times. My cousin Gary and his mom Sandy I have been sick since the last day of June.  Had to visit the doctor twice.  Which is something I don't do often.  I rarely go to the doctor.  So, that means I was pretty darn sick.  I went the first time the Monday before I left for Texas.  She gave put me on an antibiotic and some steroids.  Which was NOT fun at all.  I could not sleep but I was totally exhausted.  Then I went on vacation to Texas for a week.  Had a blast and was able to spend time with my cousin Gary and his wonderful wife Karen.  Best of all I was able to see my Aunt Louise and be there for her 90th birthday celebration.  The Lord looked after me and the medicines worked to keep me or make me feel some better.  However, I was still sick and once arriving h